Education Loans

Education Loans

Limit per Borrower: Maximum Limit Rs.20.00 Lacs
Margin Money: 15% of Quotation Amount.
CLICK Here For Interest Rates(Link)
No. of EMIs: 60
(commences after completion of course)
(B.O.D. reserves right to change according to repayment capacity of applicant).
Rate of Interest:
Rate of Interest:
Upto Rs.2.00 lacs rate of interest is as per R.O.I chart
Rs.2.00 lacs to Rs.5.00 lacs rate of interest is as per R.O.I chart
Above Rs.5.00 lacs rate of interest is as per R.O.I chart
Foreign Country rate of interest is as per R.O.I chart
Click Here For Interest Rates
Guarantors: One guarantor (who holds property)
Collateral Security: Upto Rs.3.00 Lacs Loan, 50% FD/NSC/KVP/Insurance Policy.Above Rs.3.00 Lacs Loan, Immovable Property with 100% valuation or FD/NSC/KVP/Life Insurance Policy.
Note : 0.50% Concession in Interest Rate for Girl Students